New Executive Committee Members Athora Netherlands
19-01-2023 Athora Netherlands N.V. has announced the appointment of Annemieke Visser-Brons as Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) and Bart Remie as Chief Technology & Operations Officer (CTOO) to the new Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee was installed effective January. Roderick Munsters, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Athora Netherlands: “The appointments and the establishment of the Executive Committee enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of our governance. I am confident that the new Executive Committee is well-positioned to successfully execute Athora Netherlands’ strategy.”
Jan de Pooter, CEO of Athora Netherlands welcomes Annemieke Visser-Brons and Bart Remie to the Executive Committee: “I am pleased that we have a diverse and well-balanced Executive Committee, in which all relevant functions of our company are represented. This enables us to effectively steer the company and set the strategy. We are in an excellent position to deliver on our Ambition 2025 strategy to be a focused and leading life and pension insurer in the Netherlands, dedicated to sustainability."
Annemieke Visser-Brons has been Director of Pensions at Nationale Nederlanden, Chairman of the Supervisory Board at BeFrank and Supervisory Board member at AZL since this year. She was Managing Director at Delta Lloyd Life Insurance and has held several managing positions at Aegon. Bart Remie already worked at Athora Netherlands as General Manager Operations & IT. He was Operations & Support Manager at VIVAT and previously held several positions at SNS REAAL.
With the arrival of the two non-statutory Board Members Annemieke Visser-Brons (CCO) and Bart Remie (CTOO), the Executive Committee further consists of the following Statutory Directors: CEO Jan de Pooter, CFO Jan-Hendrik Erasmus, Chief Risk Officer Annemarie Mijer-Nienhuis and Chief Capital & Investment Officer Etienne Comon.