René de Groot leaves KLM

René de Groot leaves KLM

06-07-2022 KLM has announced on 6 July that René de Groot will be stepping down as Chief Operating Officer (COO) effective 15 July.

René de Groot was appointed COO in November 2014. His current term would end in 2023, but De Groot is now stepping down from his position to take up a position at British Airways. He leaves KLM on 15 July. 

René de Groot: 'After 32 fantastic years at KLM, I have decided to spread my wings and continue my career at British Airways as Chief Operating Officer. I realise that my departure comes at a turbulent time for KLM, but I leave the airline in the knowledge that the road to recovery has begun and that the organisation will be able to do so despite the continuing challenges. I thank KLM for all the opportunities I have been given and all my colleagues and partners for their confidence, cooperation and what I have been able to learn from them. That and all the fond memories I have will always stay with me in my career moving forward.'

KLM’s Supervisory Board has initiated the procedure to find a successor. Safeguarding the responsibilities and tasks of the COO is assured within the organisation.

Cees 't Hart, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, says the following on De Groot's the departure: 'Having first joined KLM in 1990, René has a long track record at KLM. He has contributed enormously to KLM, both in his role as a commercial pilot and later in management, and over the last eight years as COO and statutory Managing Director. We would like to thank him very much for his unswerving commitment and wish him all the very best in his new role.'
