Diederik Samsom new Gasunie Supervisory Board Chair

Diederik Samsom new Gasunie Supervisory Board Chair

26-06-2024 The Dutch Minister of Finance (shareholder of N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie) has appointed Diederik Samson as member of Gasunie’s Supervisory Board as of 1 July 2024.

Diederik Samsom was a member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands from 2003 to 2016 and was from 2012 to 2016 also the leader of the Dutch Labour Party. He was closely involved in energy and climate policy in the Netherlands and was from 2019 to 2024 Chief of Cabinet for European Commissioner Frans Timmermans and his successor Wopke Hoekstra who were responsible for the Green Deal. Samsom previously sat on the supervisory boards of Energiebeheer Nederland and North Sea Port. He was also a member of the advisory board of the Netherlands Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection.

The appointment came following a nomination by the Supervisory Board, and the other members of the Supervisory Board intend to elect Samsom chair as soon as he joins the board.

Tim van der Hagen, vice-chair of the Supervisory Board is pleased that Diederik Samsom will be joining our Supervisory Board: ‘With his wide-ranging knowledge of both the domestic and the international energy sector, and his extensive experience with energy and climate policy as a member of Dutch parliament and senior European Commission official, he is ideally equipped to make a significant contribution to Gasunie realising its strategic ambitions, especially now that the company plays a key role in the energy transition.
