A.s.r. introduces Management Board
09-06-2023 A.s.r. has plans to change its governance structure and is introducing a Management Board consisting of the members of the Executive Board, a Chief Risk Officer, a Chief Human Resources Officer, a COO/CTO and a COO Life. This Board will become effective upon completion of the proposed transaction with Aegon and will replace the previously formed Business Executive Committee from 2019.
The Management Board will replace the previously formed Business Executive Committee and will consist of CEO Jos Baeten, CFO Ewout Hollegien, COO/CTO Ingrid de Swart, COO Life Willem van den Berg, Chief Risk Officer Rozan Dekker and Chief Human Resources Officer Jolanda Sappelli. The Executive Board retains ultimate statutory responsibility for managing a.s.r.
CRO Rozan Dekker is currently director of Group Risk Management at a.s.r. and CHRO Jolanda Sappelli is currently director of HR at a.s.r. COO Life Willem van den Berg is currently Managing Director Life at Aegon Nederland and will be responsible for the proposed merger with a.s.r. In the Management Board, he will be responsible for all life activities of a.s.r., including pensions, individual life and funeral, pension administrator TKP and the PPIs Aegon Cappital and a.s.r. PPI. CHRO Jolanda Sappelli will have a key role during the merger of Aegon Netherlands and a.s.r. for all human resources and organizational matters. CRO Rozan Dekker will become responsible for a.s.r.'s risk management and compliance organization.
The introduction of the Management Board is subject to the completion of the proposed transaction with Aegon, which is not expected to take place until July 1, 2023 at the earliest following approval by regulators, including DNB and the ACM. The appointments of the COO Life, CRO and CHRO are subject to approval by DNB.
Update 09-06-2023: It has also been announced that Allegra Patrizi van Hovell tot Westervlier, CEO of Aegon Netherlands, will step down as soon as the acquisition is completed.