Jeanine van der Vlist New Supervisory Director Alfen

Jeanine van der Vlist New Supervisory Director Alfen

10-10-2022 Alfen N.V. announced on 7 October that Jeanine van der Vlist will be appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board with effect from 21 November.

Jeanine van der Vlist is currently Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board at BDR Thermea Group, a position she holds since 2014. Since 2020 she has also held the position of non-executive director at DPG Media Group.

The proposal to appoint Van der Vlist as member of the Supervisory Board will be made during the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on 21 November.

As a result, Alfen's supervisory board will be expanded from three to four members. The Supervisory Board currently consists of Henk ten Hove (Chairman), Eline Oudenbroek and Willem Ackermans.

Interview with Jeanine van der Vlist

These Three Non-Executive Directors Want To Accelerate The Supply Chain Transition

These Three Non-Executive Directors Want To Accelerate The Supply Chain Transition

14-12-2022 The supply chain is under more pressure than ever. Companies are struggling to organize the chain in a better and more future-oriented way. The Supervisory Board has their task cut out to assist with this. At our roundtable, we ask Supervisory Boards the question: is it succeeding at all? ‘The supply chain as a competitive field is too limited a picture: suppliers, partners and competitors should instead work together.’
