
Last year, Caroline Tervoort was awarded CHRO of the Year 2023. As CHRO at KPMG, she recognizes the significant importance of the ‘hard side’ of HR – which includes areas like artificial intelligence and data - but she personally believes especially in the power of the 'human side’. For instance, creating psychological safety. ‘I feel strongly committed to this social aspect.’

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ABN AMRO CHRO Suzanne van Niekerk wants to deal with employees in a sustainable way while also building a diverse workforce. This also means dealing with different generations, cultures and views in the company. So how does a company remain unified with an inclusive atmosphere? Van Niekerk listens, gets managers to listen and continuously engages in the conversation - with success. Yet even she sometimes runs up against the limits of psychological safety, as insensitivity from society does seep into companies. ‘The tone. The disparagement.’

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VodafoneZiggo was one of the first companies to formulate a policy for hybrid working. The organization strongly believes in working sometimes from home and sometimes from the office, says CHRO Thomas Mulder. This applies to employees and executives alike. ‘It is not about individual interests but about the team’s interest when it comes to hybrid working.’

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‘Safety is a top priority in the port,’ says Boudewijn Siemons, COO and interim CEO of the Port of Rotterdam since last summer. He corrects himself immediately, ‘No, that is not true. It is not a priority; it is the foundation.’ If not everyone comes home safely—physically or mentally—we experience it as failure.

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Caroline Tervoort (KPMG): ‘Making a Real Impact With the Human Side of HR’

Last year, Caroline Tervoort was awarded CHRO of the Year 2023. As CHRO at KPMG, she recognizes the significant importance of the ‘hard side’ of HR – which includes areas like artificial intelligence and data - but she personally believes especially in the power of the 'human side’. For instance, creating psychological safety. ‘I feel strongly committed to this social aspect.’

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Suzanne van Niekerk (ABN Amro): ‘Oversimplification Is Challenging’

ABN AMRO CHRO Suzanne van Niekerk wants to deal with employees in a sustainable way while also building a diverse workforce. This also means dealing with different generations, cultures and views in the company. So how does a company remain unified with an inclusive atmosphere? Van Niekerk listens, gets managers to listen and continuously engages in the conversation - with success. Yet even she sometimes runs up against the limits of psychological safety, as insensitivity from society does seep into companies. ‘The tone. The disparagement.’

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Thomas Mulder (VodafoneZiggo): ‘My advice is to take hybrid work seriously’

VodafoneZiggo was one of the first companies to formulate a policy for hybrid working. The organization strongly believes in working sometimes from home and sometimes from the office, says CHRO Thomas Mulder. This applies to employees and executives alike. ‘It is not about individual interests but about the team’s interest when it comes to hybrid working.’

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Boudewijn Siemons (Port of Rotterdam): ‘Safety Is Something You Owe Each Other’

‘Safety is a top priority in the port,’ says Boudewijn Siemons, COO and interim CEO of the Port of Rotterdam since last summer. He corrects himself immediately, ‘No, that is not true. It is not a priority; it is the foundation.’ If not everyone comes home safely—physically or mentally—we experience it as failure.

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Chief People & Performance Officer Tjahny Bercx of LeasePlan sees connectedness and trust between colleagues as an absolute condition for working together. He is fully committed to initiatives to get to know each other better and wants to inspire and motivate people. Because when you can trust each other, something exceptional happens: ‘People transcend themselves.’

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Manage as little as possible, undertake as much as possible: that is the motto of AFAS. The company wants to inspire better business. CEO Bas van der Veldt explains the company's philosophy steeped in ’love’. 'We want to be the opposite of companies where people become unhappy because of bad leadership, a toxic culture and unethical behavior.'

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In 2022, Natalia Wallenberg took office as CHRO of Ahold Delhaize. A year later, she takes stock and discusses the challenges at a time when people are under pressure. ‘I believe that psychological safety is fundamental to well-being, inclusion and good performance.’

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There is an art to giving and receiving feedback well. How do leaders approach this art? We spoke with Dennis Dijkstra, CEO at Flow Traders, a stock brokerage firm that has received its share of candid criticism. Dijkstra is not too bothered. When it comes to giving or receiving feedback, subtlety is not his style. ‘Yes, I prefer plain speaking. It allows for clarity.’

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Tjahny Bercx (LeasePlan): ‘When People Trust Each Other, Magical Things Happen’

Chief People & Performance Officer Tjahny Bercx of LeasePlan sees connectedness and trust between colleagues as an absolute condition for working together. He is fully committed to initiatives to get to know each other better and wants to inspire and motivate people. Because when you can trust each other, something exceptional happens: ‘People transcend themselves.’

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Bas van der Veldt (AFAS): 'There are Scores of Companies With a Toxic Culture'

Manage as little as possible, undertake as much as possible: that is the motto of AFAS. The company wants to inspire better business. CEO Bas van der Veldt explains the company's philosophy steeped in ’love’. 'We want to be the opposite of companies where people become unhappy because of bad leadership, a toxic culture and unethical behavior.'

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Natalia Wallenberg (Ahold Delhaize): 'It Starts with Psychological Safety'

In 2022, Natalia Wallenberg took office as CHRO of Ahold Delhaize. A year later, she takes stock and discusses the challenges at a time when people are under pressure. ‘I believe that psychological safety is fundamental to well-being, inclusion and good performance.’

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Flow Traders CEO Dennis Dijkstra on Giving Feedback

There is an art to giving and receiving feedback well. How do leaders approach this art? We spoke with Dennis Dijkstra, CEO at Flow Traders, a stock brokerage firm that has received its share of candid criticism. Dijkstra is not too bothered. When it comes to giving or receiving feedback, subtlety is not his style. ‘Yes, I prefer plain speaking. It allows for clarity.’

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How can board members enhance psychological safety within their organization and address toxic behavior? Following the painful scandals at the Dutch public broadcaster, this has proven to be a complex issue for the NPO (Nederlandse Publieke Omroep) chair Frederieke Leeflang. ‘I encountered a lot of resistance’, she shared during the first edition of the Management Scope Dinner & Debate on the theme of psychological safety, in collaboration with LTP Business Psychologists.

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Transgressive behavior, a soured or toxic work atmosphere and psychological unsafety: it is not only the Hilversum media world which has to deal with it. In diverse organizations, board members in particular form a serious ‘risk group,’ write Marian de Joode and Ageeth Telleman.

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A substantial change is taking place in the relationship between people and organizations. Employees are demanding that their organizations take into account what they consider important: from better working conditions to psychological and social safety and diversity and inclusion. This human revolution has empowered employees. More and more organizations are making use of their insights and ideas. Personal leadership of employees is becoming more important. Psychological consulting firm LTP has developed a roadmap that shows how opportunities are optimized and pitfalls avoided.

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Leaders are facing two huge challenges. First, they must guide unprecedented changes to successful conclusions. At the same time, they have to foster connections with others and remain composed, despite our world’s current lack of predictability. Leaders operating under pressure more easily make mistakes with decisions and behavior. That means they could use some help.

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Take Action Against Toxic Behavior, But How?

How can board members enhance psychological safety within their organization and address toxic behavior? Following the painful scandals at the Dutch public broadcaster, this has proven to be a complex issue for the NPO (Nederlandse Publieke Omroep) chair Frederieke Leeflang. ‘I encountered a lot of resistance’, she shared during the first edition of the Management Scope Dinner & Debate on the theme of psychological safety, in collaboration with LTP Business Psychologists.

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Leadership Qualities As a Risk Factor For Transgressive Behavior

Transgressive behavior, a soured or toxic work atmosphere and psychological unsafety: it is not only the Hilversum media world which has to deal with it. In diverse organizations, board members in particular form a serious ‘risk group,’ write Marian de Joode and Ageeth Telleman.

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Is Your Organization Ready for the Human Revolution?

A substantial change is taking place in the relationship between people and organizations. Employees are demanding that their organizations take into account what they consider important: from better working conditions to psychological and social safety and diversity and inclusion. This human revolution has empowered employees. More and more organizations are making use of their insights and ideas. Personal leadership of employees is becoming more important. Psychological consulting firm LTP has developed a roadmap that shows how opportunities are optimized and pitfalls avoided.

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Connective Leadership is Not Evident

Leaders are facing two huge challenges. First, they must guide unprecedented changes to successful conclusions. At the same time, they have to foster connections with others and remain composed, despite our world’s current lack of predictability. Leaders operating under pressure more easily make mistakes with decisions and behavior. That means they could use some help.

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